Thursday 15 February 2024


Some basic watercolor techniques that are great for beginners:

1. Wet-on-Dry:

   - Apply watercolor to dry paper. This technique allows for precise and controlled details.

2. Wet-on-Wet:

   - Wet the paper with clean water before applying the paint. This creates softer edges and allows colors to blend more freely.

3. Dry Brush:

   - Use a dry brush with a minimal amount of paint for textured and grainy effects. This is effective for creating details and emphasizing texture.

4. Salt Texture:

   - Sprinkle salt onto wet paint to create interesting textures. The salt absorbs moisture and leaves behind unique patterns.

5. Layering:

   - Allow one layer of paint to dry before adding another on top. Layering creates depth and richness in your watercolor paintings.

6. Masking Fluid:

   - Use masking fluid to preserve areas of white paper while painting. Once the paint is dry, you can remove the masking fluid to reveal untouched areas.

7. Gradients and Washes:

   - Gradually change the concentration of pigment or color by adding more water. This creates smooth gradients and beautiful washes.

8. Lifting:

   - While the paint is still wet or after it has dried, use a clean, damp brush or paper towel to lift off or lighten areas of color.

9. Negative Painting:

   - Paint around the subject to define its shape. This technique is great for creating intricate details.

10. Splattering:

    - Flick or tap your brush against your finger to create controlled splatter effects. This adds a dynamic and spontaneous touch to your paintings.

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